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Reflecting Christ to the LGBT Community

September 19, 2024

"Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

In recent years, society’s attitudes toward individuals experiencing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) issues have shifted considerably. As believers, we may wonder what it looks like to reflect God’s love, grace, and truth to those in this group. When approaching this topic, many Christ-followers come to the table with different perspectives. Alhough our experiences with LGBT issues are varied, we share core beliefs about truth. We believe that the Bible is true, timeless, and inspired of God and that biblical precepts are useful for correction and instruction in righteousness.[i] God’s Word is clear about our creator’s intention for the human body, sexuality, and marriage. Our bodies were designed by God to be used for his purposes and not our own.[ii] Marriage is divinely intended to be a lifelong covenant between a biological male and female.[iii] Homosexual relationships have no place in God’s plan.[iv] We must remain grounded on these biblical truths.

Scripture is clear that homosexual acts are not part of God’s best plan. However, it does not categorize LGBT-related sins as more sinful than other sins, and neither should we. Often, when homosexual behavior is mentioned in the Bible, it is included with other sexual and nonsexual sins.[v] Romans 1 lists same-sex encounters along with the sins of envy, debate, deceit, gossip, spitefulness, pride, boasting, and disobedience to parents. Which of us cannot find our past behavior on that list? We all need redemption, because all have sinned and deserve God’s judgment. Yet, God sent Jesus, not to condemn the world but to save us through his sacrifice.[vi] Anyone who confesses the Lord Jesus and walks in his Spirit is free from condemnation.[vii] This is lifegiving news, and this hope is for everyone. No matter what our sins have been, God wants us to be at peace with him through Jesus Christ. Conversely, the reasoning that “we all sin” must not cause us to be dismissive of sexual sins, including LGBT-related sins. Converted Christians seek to bring all aspects of their lives into alignment with God’s Word.[viii] May we repent of sin in our own lives and walk alongside family and friends with LGBT struggles leading them toward the path of repentance, sanctification, and identity in Christ.[ix]


As we seek to support those who are struggling, let’s listen closely to their individual stories, because each situation is different. We may encounter unbelievers who identify as a member of the LGBT community or advocate for this group. We should not be surprised when unbelievers behave in ways that are unbiblical, but we should show them the same consideration we show to any of God’s creation. We may meet converted believers who are dealing with same-sex attraction (attraction to the same sex that is not acted upon) or gender dysphoria (questions about their gender identity). These individuals need judgment-free support from their church families as they seek to walk in biblical truth. Finally, we may come across professed believers who are living unbiblically regarding LGBT behavior. Such situations can be confusing and painful, and our reaction will necessarily be different when the one walking in LGBT behaviors is a professed believer. Family, friends, and church leadership need to lean on spirit-led discernment in such instances. Our words and actions must be full of truth, wisdom, grace, and humility as we seek to point them back to the narrow way.[x]

Our relationships with those who support LGBT lifestyles require a delicate balance of both grace and truth. Grace is God’s gently expressed unmerited favor, kindness, and strength, while truth is God’s gently expressed holiness, perfection, and righteousness. Grace without truth leads to acceptance or celebration of sin, while truth without grace leads to condemnation that is inconsistent with the gospel. Ungodly condemnation often includes rejection, belittlement, or disgust. As followers of Jesus, we should refrain from derogatory language or behavior, including toward LGBT individuals.[xi]

Our Lord wants everyone to be saved and come to knowledge of truth.[xii] All who enter the doors of our churches should be met by the welcoming love of their creator. We believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit and the gospel message, anyone can come to saving faith. Our approach should not be to convert people from homosexual to heterosexual, but to foster relationships with Jesus that will lead to transformed lives. We believe the church should provide a safe welcoming environment in which discipleship can occur and a new creature in Christ can flourish.[xiii] As with any convert in our church, when a soul who experiences same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria matures in Christ, exhibits the fruit of the Spirit, lives an overcoming life, and desires to participate fully in the life of the church, we look forward to their testimony, baptism, and membership in our church family. Of course, temptation will not cease after baptism, as any seasoned Christian can verify, but we trust that these new believers, like all who are born again, will have the Holy Spirit and the body of Christ to support them as we walk the narrow way together.

As LGBT lifestyles become more visible and accepted in society, we often find our children becoming aware of LGBT issues at younger ages. It is important to be aware of the messages our children hear around this topic. We need to be intentional about teaching children God’s design for sexuality. We should also teach our children about the biblical roles of men and women without encouraging stereotypes that lie beyond the teachings of the Word. While God created us male and female, he also created beautiful variation in the ways that masculinity and femininity may be expressed. May our children always know that we value the person that God made them to be.[xiv]

As with any issue that is deeply rooted in differing beliefs and ideologies, when discussing the topic of LGBT ideology, it is easy to pit “us” against “them,” to think of souls with different beliefs as the enemy and to forget the struggles and humanity behind the choices they have made. Jesus did not forget the humanity of the outcasts and sinners he encountered in his ministry. Instead, he engaged tax collectors, adulterers, and others who were rejected by religious leaders of his day. Jesus understood that a respectful relationship is a more effective way to build disciples than condemnation. May we follow Christ’s example by treating everyone with meekness and respect, not wavering from scriptural truth, but speaking the truth in love.

2 Timothy 3:16

[ii] 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

[iii] Mark 10:6-9

[iv] Leviticus 18:22

[v] Romans 1:21-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21

[vi] John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23

[vii] Romans 8:1, Romans 10:9, Romans 8:14

[viii] Romans 12:1-2

[ix] Matthew 7:3-5

[x] Colossians 4:6, James 3:17

[xi] Titus 3:2-3

[xii] 1 Timothy 2:4

[xiii] 2 Corinthians 5:17

[xiv] Jeremiah 1:5

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