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We regard the Bible as God’s Spirit-breathed truth and seek to apply its teachings in all aspects of life. We love to study the Bible and treasure the time that we spend with God in his Word. We prioritize personal reading and prayer as well as our time of corporate worship with our church family. 4
In Christ, believers have been granted liberty from the enslavement of sin,5 and this freedom makes us a deeply joyful people. As part of the body of Christ, we desire to surrender our own desires for the spiritual welfare of others,6 not allowing our liberty to become a stumbling block for our brothers or sisters.7 We foster an environment of accountability and offer guidance and encouragement when a brother or sister is faced with temptation.8
We strive to live all aspects of our lives in contentment, simplicity, and modesty, with thankful hearts, recognizing that our bodies and material possessions ultimately belong to God.9 As God’s image-bearers, we maintain and teach consistent biblical principles on matters of male and female sexuality, identity, and appearance, showing compassion without compromise.10
As children of God, we are distinct from unbelievers, yet we are engaged with our communities.11 We desire to be a beacon of Christ’s hope and love throughout our workplaces, schools, and neighborhoods.12
We are discerning in our use of media, entertainment, and technology, checking that our motivations line up with scriptural truths. We hold in low regard society’s changing fads and philosophies, instead cleaving to the timeless truths of Scripture. Our desire is to fill our thoughts and time with things that are true, honest, just, pure, and lovely.13
Our church aspires to be a body of believers, bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God’s love, grace, and truth. Brothers and sisters in Christ are truly considered family, which is evident in the way that we care for one another. We are committed to ensuring that each other’s material needs are met, in times of trial as well as in our daily walks of life.14 We mourn with each other in losses, celebrate together during times of rejoicing,15 and desire to be Jesus’ hands and feet for the hurting and struggling. When a group of Apostolic Christians becomes aware of a need within the church or community, the response will be timely, sincere, and robust.
We deeply value hospitality,16 often opening up our hearts and homes to both new and familiar faces. Our appreciation for each other motivates life-long friendships across states and countries. Frequently, Apostolic Christians will host guests from another congregation for the weekend, even if they have never met.
As Jesus commonly shared meals with his disciples, we also frequently dine together. We find that this practice has a particular way of bringing people together. Most of our events involve refreshments in some way. On Sundays, we share a noon meal together between services.
Scripture has much to say about the importance of mentorship across generations, and Apostolic Christians prioritize and cherish our cross-generational friendships. The Bible teaches that the older generation should nurture younger Christians in the way of love, dignity and integrity.17 Also, older women should show the younger how to be kind and pure, dedicated to their families, husbands, and upkeep of the home.18 Older men are to guide the next generation to be devoted spiritual leaders-- patient, gentle, and faithful to God and their families.19 While younger people certainly benefit from wisdom and instruction, we also recognize that respect, sharing, and learning between generations is mutual20 as we labor together in service of the Lord.
Our single sisters and brothers are deeply appreciated in the essential roles that they play in service and discipleship, serving God without some of the preoccupations of marriage.21
Strong families are important to us. We often speak of Christian marriage as a “threefold cord”, strengthened by the presence of Jesus. Men and women are of equal value in the eyes of our creator, and we embrace the family structure that is laid out in Scripture. Husbands, as the spiritual heads of the household,22 are called to be servant leaders, loving, nourishing, and cherishing their wives as they do their own bodies, and wives should respect their husbands in deference.23
All children, with their different talents and abilities, are gifts from the Lord.24 Parents diligently teach them to love God’s Word and walk in his ways,25 and within the walls of each home a warm love is experienced. When God blesses a family with children, whether it’s one or a dozen, whether they are adopted, fostered, or biological, life gets busy! Fathers are actively involved in the lives of their children, gently guiding them in the ways of truth and obedience. Mothers have a special relationship with little ones, earnestly nourishing their bodies and spirits and enriching their worlds with beauty.
Music that honors God is a delight to our ears. Our homes are often filled with uplifting hymns, whether that be through singing, instruments, or recordings. All ages of Apostolic Christians frequently come together to sing praises to God. Whether around a piano, bonfire, or college campus, it is a joy to worship the Lord together!26
God desires all souls to find their salvation in Jesus, and the church has been commissioned as agents of this work. We look to this great commission as we share the good news of Jesus Christ, baptize in his name,27 strive to live out the fruits of the gospel, and raise up generations of godly children to carry on this legacy.
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Apostolic Christian Church of America