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Guidance on Using Technology

This document, from the Apostolic Christian Elder Technology Committee, provides biblical principles and practical guidance for using technology. Information about safe Internet use, selecting Internet filtering software, and proper use of mobile phones and other devices is included.  
Download paper
In addition to this paper above, numerous other helpful resources can be found on the Use of Technology section of ACCFS' website, including Technology Questions to Consider, a Quick Reference to Filtering Options, Family Technology Plan, A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety, and more.

There are numerous topical articles addressing issues of specific interest to Apostolic Christian Church members. 
Members can request a list from their local elder. 

Light from the Word

Downloads of recent articles

Looking for more recent "Light from the Word" articles? We have discontinued posting these separately, but you can find them in each issue of The Silver Lining, available as PDFs on this page.

2019-11 Light from the Word - The Faith of Joshua and Rahab

2019-10 Light from the Word - The Faith of Moses

2019-09 Light from the Word - Faith of Moses' Parents

2019-08 Light from the Word - The Faith of Isaac

2019-07 Light from the Word - The Faith of Jacob

2019-06 Light from the Word - Enoch's Faith and Translation

2019-05 Light from the Word - The Faith of Isaac

2019-04 Light from the Word - The Faith of Sarah

2019-03 Light from the Word - The Faith of Abraham

2019-02 Light from the Word - The Faith of Noah

2019-01 Light from the Word- The Faith of Abel

2018-12 Light from the Word - Receive One Another

2018-11 Light from the Word - Greet One Another

2018-10 Light from the Word - Edify One Another

2018-09 Light from the Word - Comfort One Another

2018-08 Light from the Word - Serve One Another

2018-07 Light from the Word - Forbear One Another

2018-06 Light from the Word - Bear One Another's Burdens

2018-05 Light from the Word - Exhorting One Another to Love and Good Works

2018-04 Light from the Word - Forgive One Another

2018-03 Light from the Word - Esteeming One Another

2018-02 Light from the Word - Consider One Another

2018-01 Light from the Word - Love One Another: The Great Commandment

2017-12 Light from the Word - Expressing Gratitude to Others (Part 2)

2017-11 Light from the Word - Expressing Gratitude to God (Part 1)

2017-10 Light from the Word - Romans 14 (Part 3) - Biblical Unity

2017-09 Light from the Word - Romans 14 (Part 2) - Resolving Disputable Matters

2017-08 Light from the Word - Romans 14 - Biblical Remedy

2017-07 Light from the Word - Jude: Marks of Ungodly Teachers

2017-06 Light from the Word - 3 John: Support and Opposition in the Lord's Work

2017-05 Light from the Word - 2 John: Rejoicing in the Truth

2017-04 Light from the Word - Philemon: Forgiveness and Reconciliation

2017-03 Light from the Word - Confidence in the Finished Work of Christ Jesus

2017-02 Light from the Word - Biblical Approach to Conflict (Part 2)

2017-01 Light from the Word - Biblical Approach to Conflict (Part 1)

2016-12 Light from the Word - Walking Hopefully, with Confidence in His Promises...

2016-11 Light from the Word - Walking with Wisdom/Circumspectly

2016-10 Light from the Word - Walking Carefully and in Holiness - Part 2

2016-09 Light from the Word - Walking Carefully and in Holiness - Part 1

2016-08 Light from the Word - Walking in Broken-Heartedness (Humility) - Part 2

2016-07 Light from the Word - Walking in Humility - Part 1

2016-06 Light from the Word - Walking Cheerfully

2016-05 Light from the Word - Walking with Thankfulness

2016-04 Light from the Word - Walking in Submission to Correction

2016-03 Light from the Word - Walking in Peace

2016-02 Light from the Word - Walking in a Living Faith

2016-01 Light from the Word - Walking in the Strength of Christ's Sacrifice

2015-12 Light from the Word - Serving Those Who Cannot Repay

2015-11 Light from the Word - Serving Those Closest to Us

2015-10 Light from the Word - Choosing a Career

2015-09 Light from the Word - Loving Discipline

2015-08 Light from the Word - Contending for the Faith

2015-07 Light from the Word - Doctrinal Principles

2015-06 Light from the Word - Obedience

2015-05 Light from the Word - Righteousness by Faith

2015-04 Light from the Word - Called to the Righteousness of Christ, not ...

2015-03 Light from the Word - Presenting the Gospel - Supporting Small Churches

2015-02 Light from the Word - An Enduring Invitation to Repent

2015-01 Light from the Word - Presenting the Gospel

2014-12 Light from the Word - Knowing that We Are Christ's Disciples

2014-11 Light from the Word - Christ's Commands to the Church

2014-10 Light from the Word - Relevance of the Old Testament

2014-09 Light from the Word - Broken-Hearted: The Foundation of Humility

2014-08 Light from the Word - Following God: Discerning God's Will

2014-07 Light from the Word - The Present Provides of a Believer

2014-06 Light from the Word - The Father Calls His Children...

2014-05 Light from the Word - The Father Calls His Children to Sanctification

2014-04 Light from the Word - Rewards of Faithfulness

2014-03 Light from the Word - Serving the Lord as a Single Person

2014-02 Light from the Word - Special Role of the Apostolic Christian Single Group

2014-01 Light from the Word - Marriage: God-Ordained, God-Defined

2013-12 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church: Biblical Unity

2013-11 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church is Committed

2013-10 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church: Sound Conversions

2013-09 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church Uses Spiritual Discernment

2013-08 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church has a Heart for the Lost

2013-07 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church: Serves Others

2013-06 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church: Separated from the World (Part 2)

2013-05 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church: Separated from the World (Part 1)

2013-04 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church - Submissive

2013-03 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church: Obedient to Scripture

2013-02 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church: Based on the Whole Counsel of God

2013-01 Light from the Word - The Faithful Church - Defined by Love

2012-12 Light from the Word - Church Governance

2012-11 Light from the Word - The Assurance of True Faith

Complete Archive

Hundreds of succinct essays on a wide range of topics are also available in our Light from the Word Complete Archive updated through June 2019.

Topics include:

  1. Accountability
  2. Accountability - for our actions
  3. Accountability Structures
  4. Admonition
  5. Admonition, Wrong Way
  6. Afflictions - Encouragement in
  7. Afflictions - How to Handle
  8. Apostacy
  9. Armor of God
  10. Athletics
  11. Attitude - Meek and Lowly
  12. Believer - The Walk of
  13. Bible
  14. Bible - Old & New Testament
  15. Bible Study
  16. Biblical Unity
  17. Blasphemy
  18. Blessings - Examples
  19. Blessings - Spiritual vs Material
  20. Blessings from God
  21. Brotherhood
  22. Business Ethics
  23. Call of God
  24. Career Choice
  25. Cares of Life
  26. Charity - Giving Heartily
  27. Children
  28. Children - Consistency in Training
  29. Children - Discipline & Examples
  30. Children - Expectations & Discipline
  31. Children - Fairness & Communications
  32. Children - Teaching Obedience
  33. Children - Training & Nurturing
  34. Choices in Life
  35. Christ - Believing He Is
  36. Christ - Our Saviour
  37. Christ - The Vine
  38. Christ - Walking Closely with Him
  39. Christ's Birth
  40. Christ's Followers
  41. Christ's Love
  42. Church - Appreciation for
  43. Church - Attributes of
  44. Church - Benefits in
  45. Church - Example Required
  46. Church - Mission of
  47. Church Governance
  48. Church Membership
  49. Comfort from Deep Hurt
  50. Comforting Others
  51. Commitment - Heeding Warnings
  52. Commitment - Laying the Foundation
  53. Commitment - Need for Submisssion
  54. Commitment - to God
  55. Communication
  56. Communications - Biblical Principles for
  57. Communion
  58. Competition
  59. Confession
  60. Confidentiality
  61. Contentment
  62. Contentment in Jesus
  63. Conversion
  64. Conversion, True
  65. Converts - Waiting Period
  66. Courage
  67. Cross to Bear
  68. Cultural Impact
  69. Death - The wages of sin
  70. Death - When we face a choice
  71. Deception
  72. Deception - How it Happens
  73. Decision Making
  74. Deliverance by God
  75. Discerning
  76. Discerning Right
  77. Discernment
  78. Discernment in the Use of Technology
  79. Discipleship
  80. Discipline - Church's Responsibility
  81. Discipline - Self
  82. Discord - Causes of
  83. Discord - Need to Avoid Sowing
  84. Doctrinal Integrity
  85. Edifying Others
  86. Education
  87. Esteeming Others
  88. Eternal Life - God's Gift
  89. Eternal Security
  90. Eternity
  91. Evangelism
  92. Example - Salt
  93. Exhortation
  94. Exhorting and Encouraging
  95. Faith - Seeking for Signs
  96. Faith & Works
  97. Faithful Church
  98. Faithfulness, Trust in God's
  99. Family Life
  100. Family Order
  101. Family Unity
  102. Family Unity - Relatives
  103. Family Unity (Influences)
  104. Family Worship
  105. Fasting
  106. Fear of God - How we learn it
  107. Fear of God - Overcoming Temptation
  108. Fear of God - Reverence vs Terror
  109. Fear of God - The Benefits of
  110. Fellowship
  111. Financial Stewardship
  112. Forgiveness
  113. Freedom
  114. Friendliness
  115. Glorifying God
  116. God - Walking With
  117. God's Message to Us
  118. God’s Word
  119. Gossip
  120. Governmental Authority
  121. Grace
  122. Grace, Loss of
  123. Greeting - History & Appropriateness
  124. Greeting - with Godly Love
  125. Headcovering
  126. Headship - Spiritual
  127. Heart - Guarding It
  128. Heaven - Our Goal
  129. Heritage - Respect for
  130. Heritage - Spiritual
  131. Holiness
  132. Holiness - Outward
  133. Hope
  134. Hope - Our Living
  135. Humanism
  136. Humility
  137. Identity in Christ
  138. Idolatry - Modern Day
  139. Ignorance - not an excuse
  140. Implacability
  141. Independent Spirit
  142. Interactions with Other Professing Christians
  143. Joy
  144. Judging
  145. Legalism or Holiness
  146. Listening
  147. Lost Opportunities
  148. Love
  149. Love - A New Commandment
  150. Love - Brotherly
  151. Love - for Neighbors
  152. Love - God's Example
  153. Love - Retaining
  154. Love - The Greatest Commandment
  155. Marriage
  156. Marriage - Building
  157. Marriage - How to decide
  158. Marriage - Husbands' Duties
  159. Marriage - of the world
  160. Marriage - Wives' Duty
  161. Materialism's Folly
  162. Missionary Work
  163. Moderation
  164. Modesty and Moderation
  165. Music
  166. Narrow Way
  167. Nature - Beauty of
  168. Nonconformity
  169. Nonresistance
  170. Obedience
  171. Obedience - Biblical Aspects
  172. Obedience to the Church
  173. Obedience vs Knowledge
  174. Obedience vs Sacrifice
  175. Offense
  176. Offense and Judging
  177. Old Age
  178. Overcoming - The Joy of
  179. Parenting Responsibility
  180. Peace
  181. Perilous Times
  182. Political Activity
  183. Potter and the Clay
  184. Prayer
  185. Preachers
  186. Preaching and Teaching
  187. Pride - Spiritual
  188. Priesthood
  189. Principles, Doctrine, Traditions and Rules
  190. Prosperity - Material Wealth
  191. Prosperity - True Riches
  192. Protection
  193. Purity
  194. Reconciliation
  195. Relativism
  196. Repentance
  197. Repentance - Beginning
  198. Repentance - God is Still Calling
  199. Repentance from Godly Sorrow
  200. Repentance, Conversion, Faithfulness
  201. Salvation, Repentance, Conversion
  202. Samaritan
  203. Sanctification
  204. Satan - How He is Defeated
  205. Satan - How He Works
  206. Satan - Who is He
  207. Self-Denial
  208. Self-Examination
  209. Selfishness
  210. Self-Sacrifice
  211. Separation
  212. Separation - Daily & Eternal
  213. Service to God
  214. Service to Others
  215. Serving God
  216. Serving the Lord
  217. Sharing the Gospel
  218. Sin - Darkness
  219. Sin - Flee from it
  220. Sin - Not Sowing Seeds of
  221. Singleness
  222. Social Activism
  223. Solitude & Quiet
  224. Songs of Victory
  225. Sorrow
  226. Spiritual Gifts
  227. Spiritual Growth
  228. Spiritual Hindrances
  229. Spiritual Offerings
  230. Standards - In the Church
  231. Standards - The Need for
  232. Steadfastness
  233. Stewardship
  234. Submission
  235. Submission to Authority
  236. Symbols of Faith
  237. Technology
  238. Temptation - Relief from
  239. Temptation and Trials
  240. Temptation of Christ - Lessons from
  241. Temptations - Enduring
  242. Temptations - Pleasing Men
  243. Thankfulness
  244. Thanksgiving
  245. Thinking Properly
  246. Thoughts - Appropriate
  247. Time to Believe
  248. Time Utilization
  249. Tithing
  250. Traditions
  251. Trials
  252. Trials - Benefit of
  253. Trials and Tests in Faith
  254. Trust - Developing
  255. Trust & Believe
  256. Trust in God Only
  257. Truth - Accepting It
  258. Unbelief
  259. Uniformity
  260. Unity - Addressing Threats to
  261. Values Clarification
  262. Waiting & Patience
  263. Waiting too long
  264. Watchman's Warning
  265. Who Are We?
  266. Willingness to Serve
  267. Wisdom
  268. Woman's Role
  269. Worldliness
  270. Worship
  271. Worship in Truth
  272. Young Group Activities
  273. ...and many more added with each update.
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