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We are asking all in-person attendees to please register online in advance so we can plan for the breakout sessions, discussion groups, meals and accommodations. When registering, you will select your first and second choices for the breakout and discussion group. We will make every attempt to honor your choices, but please be aware that room availability is on a first registered, first served basis.
NOTE: There is no need to register if you plan to just watch or listen online.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Friday, August 9th, 2024 at
Peoria Apostolic Christian Church
(There is a meal available for registered attendees from 4:30 P.M. — 6:30 P.M. Thursday evening before the General Conference.)
8:00 A.M. Singing Starts
9:00 A.M. First Main Session
9:25 A.M. Second Main Session
9:50 A.M. Fellowship Break
10:30 A.M. Topical Breakouts (Choose 1 of 3)
11:30 A.M. Lunch
12:30 P.M. Congregational Singing
12:50 P.M. Panel Main Session
1:35 P.M. Fellowship Break
2:00 P.M. Discussion Groups (choose 1 of 5. There is also an additional regular session option.)
3:00 P.M. Transition Break
3:15 P.M. Final Main Session
3:45 P.M. Dismiss
Bro. Nick Gutwein (West Lafayette)
Bro. Herb Knochel (Phoenix)
We do not choose the time we are born or the time we die, but God has placed us in this time and place. He has called us to be his servant and impact our world for good. We will look at the life of Esther for inspiration to live into God's vision and purpose for our life.
Bro. Tony Manz (Junction)
Interacting with others in challenging circumstances in a kind, thoughtful and biblical way is critical to being good witnesses for Jesus. By God’s grace we fulfil our calling by engaging the body of Christ and utilizing the many tools God has given us.
Following the two morning main sessions, attendees will break into three group, attending the topic of their choice.
Esther—immigrant, citizen, or ex-pat
Bro. Tim Lehman (Taylor)
The witness of kingdom citizens affects the reputation of Jesus in this world. Therefore, what is the desired mindset and characteristics of a kingdom citizen as people see Jesus through the lives of his followers?
Engaging the world with the gospel
Bro. John Wiegand (Silverton)
For “such a time as this” Esther had a calling to save her people from destruction. In this breakout we will learn about the calling that God has for all his children to engage in knowing him and making him known through discipleship and evangelism. This session will focus on an overview of a holistic approach to evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.
Reflecting Christ to the LGBT community
Bro. Ted Witzig Jr. (Morton)
In recent times, there has been tremendous change in societal attitudes toward sexual and gender identity and behavior. What does it mean to reflect God’s love, grace, and truth when considering LGBT issues today? In this breakout session we will start by grounding ourselves in God’s good design as found in the Word. Then, we will consider how we can walk in truth while caring for the struggling and loving as Jesus loves.
Bros. Brad Eisenmann (Chicago), Lynn Fiechter (Bluffton), Nick Gutwein (West Lafayette), Wayne Hartzler (Rittman), Ben Wiegand (Philadelphia)
When asked of the reason of the hope that we have, we have an opportunity to share with others what we believe. At other times, people observe our walk and talk, or read about us on our local or national websites. The Elder Body first worked on our Purpose, Vision and Guiding Principles, with the understanding that we would next review our Statement of Faith, which reflects what we believe. This was not with the intent to change what we believe, but rather to be able to review and more clearly articulate our beliefs in the day and time that we live in. In this panel, we will discuss where we have landed, along with the experiences, challenges, and questions that we have experienced over the last four years.
Following the panel main session, attendees will break into one of six groups, either attending one of five smaller discussion groups or a larger breakout session in the main assembly.
Living our Statement of Faith – the role of the Church
A quick overview of the updated SOF will be shared along thoughts on how this is translated into the membership of the Church. There will also be opportunity to engage with the Elder Body around particular questions / topics associated with it.
Called to discipleship
Christ’s invitation to belief and repentance can be summed up in his words “follow me.” A calling that we all have answered and have become his disciples. Let’s learn from one another about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus today. We will discuss the mindset of a disciple, the skillset of a disciple and how we can support a culture of discipleship in our church.
Heart for evangelism
What motivates you to share the gospel? What challenges do you face when you think about sharing the gospel? We will discuss how we are navigating through the obstacles and the opportunities around us and within us to support a culture of evangelism in our church.
Relating in the Way of Jesus with family and friends who are LGBTQ
How do we practically reflect God’s love, grace, and truth when relating with individuals who are LGBTQ? In this discussion group we will discuss the opportunities and tensions for relating well to these individuals and their families. With the life of Jesus as our guide, we will consider how he taught and engaged people of all walks of life. And, how his compelling love changed people’s lives forever.
Being Christlike as citizens on earth
Discuss what actions enhance our witness for Christ as well as actions that compromise our witness for Christ as we live as citizens on earth. Focused attention will be given as we consider living into situations that have strong opinions within our local and national communities.
Bro. Jay Luthi (Lamont), Bro. Damon Knobloch (Morris North), Bro. Dan Pfister, (Bluffton North)
We will be digging deeper into discernment and how to do that well in our current culture. This session will include a presentation and Q&A on discernment with three elders.
Bro. Ken Wuethrich (Indianapolis)
As God’s children we are called to give him glory and further his kingdom here on earth. He is with us and has called us to be salt and light in this world. Esther was willing to perish for her people, Jesus gave his life for us, and he calls us to give our lives as a living sacrifice.
Get details about the event and contact people for each committee. Click button below.
If you are unable to attend in-person, it will be live-streamed on AC Central and then archived there the following week. There is no need to register to access this.
Thursday, August 8th, 2024
04:30 P.M. Buffet dinner (for all registered guests)
06:00 P.M. Singing in Sanctuary
06:30 P.M. Elder/Minister Meeting
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Apostolic Christian Church of America