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Our Vision reflects a functioning church body tightly bound together above all by God, through Jesus Christ, and his Holy Spirit. This bond of love and joy strengthens our church family of strong relationships without partiality. It speaks to a shared desire to edify one another and God’s desire for grace and truth in the church. This is the vision we wish to show all nations and our bond of love motivates everything we do individually and together.
As a church body called together to reflect God’s love, grace and truth we want to honor God by loving all people as Jesus loves all people. This should generate a life of glory to God and good works towards everyone, friend and enemy alike. To do so generates the desire and the ability to share the gospel with all people and to live obedient lives. Loving him means we will fulfill the Great Commission given to his followers and keep his commandments in honor of his love towards us.
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Apostolic Christian Church of America