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Our purpose is to glorify God by loving as Jesus loves.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God made man, sent to Earth to save humankind from sin, death, and Hell. We regard the Holy Scriptures as God’s inerrant Word. We nurture a love to study the Bible and strive to live according to God’s principles as we walk with him each day.
We have approximately 90 congregations across the United States, as well as in Japan, Mexico, and Canada. Our membership is approximately 12,000, with regular attendance of about 22,000.
Our church is of Swiss/German origin, with Anabaptist and Evangelical influences. While we cherish our heritage, we have been richly blessed by our increasingly multi-cultural nature.
As children of God we are distinct from unbelievers, yet we are engaged with the world around us, in our workplaces, schools, and communities. Our families are treasured, as are friendships that cross generational and geographical lines. We value service, hospitality, and fellowship as we worship, sing, and labor side by side.
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Apostolic Christian Church of America