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All of our spiritual and local leaders are chosen from among our congregations and serve without pay.
1. Christ is the Head of the church, the chief Shepherd; and all authority flows from him.
2. A variety of spiritual and administrative leadership offices exist in the local congregations for the orderly function of the church. These offices include elder, deacon, ministers, trustees, Sunday school teachers and various other offices as found needful. Direction is sought from the congregation for filling local leadership offices either by vote or personal suggestion. The decision for appointment rests with the elder, a responsibility given to Timothy by Apostle Paul.
3. The elder (bishop) and deacons are selected in light of the desirable character qualities of leadership given in
1 Timothy 3 and
Titus 1:5-9. The congregation's sentiment for support of a ministering brother for elder responsibilities is obtained by ballot and/or interview of the local church members. The decisions for appointment of elders and ordained deacons rest with the Elder Body which utilizes an interview process.
4. Duties of elders, deacons, and ministers:
A. Ministers are responsible for preaching and teaching the Word at worship services. Ministers are also responsible for assisting the elder with providing counsel and making decisions that relate to the local congregation.
B. A deacon serves as assistant to the elder and performs all ministerial duties.
Acts 6:1-6
C. An elder is the administrator of the spiritual matters of the church. He performs the rites (baptism, laying on of hands, communion, marriage), counsels converts and members, and performs all ministerial duties.
5. Discipline of erring members is administered for their spiritual welfare and for the preservation of the church, always with the goal of assisting restoration of the erring soul to God. The elder is responsible for administering discipline in the assembly of believers with their support and for their benefit. When by God’s grace and mercy a disciplined individual is restored to relationship to God, the elder is also responsible for reinstating those individuals to membership after receiving appropriate counsel from the Elder Body.
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Apostolic Christian Church of America