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How do I get the AC Central app?
The free apps are available in the Apple and Android app stores.
What is the cost to my church to offer sermon streaming and/or archiving?
Making your church's sermons available in the AC Central mobile app – and your website, if applicable – requires an investment of $35 – 65/month (based on size of congregation), which is billed semi-annually in advance. A software encoder needs to be purchased and installed on your sound bench computer, Rocket Broadcaster Pro if you are on a PC, or Audio Hijack if on a Mac. There is also a one-time setup fee of $185.
Video integration is optional and is an additional $65 – 165/month (based on congregation size).
How does the video integration work?
Churches that wish to make video of their services available on AC Central just need to contact us to sign up for this optional service. Our video integration only works with our Vimeo Enterprise account. Churches will be added as Contributor users under our denomination's account — you do not need a separate paid Vimeo account. Video live streaming and video archives are supported. Churches can simulcast to other video platforms (Youtube, Facebook), if desired.
Why should we pay for video when we are doing it now for free?
Youtube and Facebook both provide convenient, free video services, but they do come with a price. For one, these companies can use your data and content to market products and do other things you may not be aware of if you aren't reading the fine print. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that Big Tech is not friendly to Christians. That could create problems down the road if they deem your sermon content to not be politically correct. In addition, the "suggested videos" that are shown after a video is finished can be problematic. And not everyone is comfortable supporting social media platforms that are gateways to immoral content. But the biggest single reason to pay to add your video to AC Central is that this app is already the one place to come for all AC sermon content and your users will be expecting to find your videos there.
What are the requirements for adding audio sermon streaming and/or archives to our website?
Sermon audio can be added to nearly any type of website. It doesn’t matter who designed it or currently hosts it. The only requirement is the ability to paste code (which we will provide) into the web page that will show your sermons. We can do that for you if you provide us your user login to your web content management system. Or we can send the embed code to your webmaster / designer.
What are the requirements for audio live streaming our sermons?
The short answer is: a fairly current computer and a broadband internet connection. For more detailed information about specifications, contact us .
Our church is ready to sign up. What is the process?
Please complete this form. We will then contact you with detailed information about hardware/software requirements and then schedule your installation, once you are ready.
Do we need a new website in order to get AC Central.
No. Sermon streaming and web hosting are two separate services. Your sermon archives and livestream player can be embedded into any website.
Why is the application called “AC Central”?
We chose this name because our vision was that this app would grow to become a hub of all sorts of useful Apostolic Christian content in the future. And it has.
Can we post our audio archived sermons and be on AC Central without offering live streaming?
Yes. If you prefer to not have an Internet connection at your church, you can still make your sermon archives available. You can simply upload the files from another location that has an Internet connection. The normal price still applies.
Why should our congregation consider making our sermons available online?
There are several groups that benefit from easy access to your sermons. First, members and friends of your local congregation can listen to your sermons when they are unable to attend regular services. The audio quality far exceeds that of the “call-in” method. Second, there are over 18,000 active users of AC Central, which covers nearly all brethren and friends. They are blessed by the ability to supplement their spiritual diets with additional listening from other congregations when working, driving, exercising, etc. Lastly, making your sermons available on the app and/or your website provides an opportunity for those interested in attending your church to hear the Word preached and hopefully be encouraged to come in person.
I have a suggestion or a problem. Where do I send that?
If you have suggestions for improvements or find a bug, please send us feedback using the User Feedback feature in the app (you can find that in the Settings area accessible by touching the gear icon menu in the top right of the home screen).
What future plans are there for the app?
We have many ideas in mind, but we’d love to get your suggestions. If you have recommendations for ways to strengthen the brotherhood through edifying digital media, please post them to our user forum or vote for ideas that have already been suggested.
How will you decide what new features to add?
User input will help us evaluate ideas for new features. We will add them as quickly as possible based upon the funds available. Development will be paid for out of the revenues collected from AC Central paying church customers and from donations made either directly to Onward Media, or through the denomination's Brotherhood Operations Fund.
Who manages the application?
Direct oversight of the AC Central system is provided by Onward Media. Administration and billing is provided by the staff at the AC Bookstore, which is managed by Onward Media.
We have questions not answered here. Who do we contact?
Please complete this form and someone from Onward Media will be in touch.
How can I financially support this initiative to make access to AC content, easy, affordable and attractive to our members and friends?
Thanks for your interest in helping fund this important project. AC Central would not be possible without the generosity of our brotherhood. Donations to the Brotherhood Operations Fund (most AC congregations do a collection for this) help support AC Central, this website, Silver Lining, and the support and the development and maintenance of new and existing printed and digital materials available through the AC Bookstore. You can also donate directly.
Why do I have to register to access the Silver Lining?
We realize this is an inconvenience, and appreciate your patience. Having an accurate list of our
Silver Lining subscribers is very helpful, particularly as some readers transition from print to digital. Users will need to register just one time per device. (Note: if you uninstall then reinstall the app, you will need to register again.)
Site produced and maintained by Onward Media
Apostolic Christian Church of America