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The Apostolic Christian Church denomination desires to be a body of believers, bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and his Word, reflecting God’s love, grace, and truth. It is our prayer that these qualities may be evident in our worship.
Our services are traditional. We seek to honor God by approaching him in reverence and humility, focusing on the timeless truths of Scripture. Music consists of four-part a cappella hymn singing . Our services last a little over an hour and generally follow this routine:
We value prayer as a precious opportunity to praise and petition our loving God in reverence. We typically kneel during prayer, though we often stand for prayer during wedding, baptism, or funeral services.
We embrace the priesthood of all believers, the idea that all souls have equal access to God through Christ. We encourage participation in worship through singing, engaged listening, and prayer throughout the service. Our ministers rely on the prayers of the congregation as they entreat the Holy Spirit to inspire their preaching, usually without preselecting the Biblical texts.
Apostolic Christian churches typically have two services on Sundays, with a time of food and fellowship in between.
Additionally, most of our churches have one service on Wednesday evenings. We would love to have you join us! You can find a directory of congregations and starting times here.
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Apostolic Christian Church of America